Dropdown Component - Generic #1
Dropdown, Select, Context Switcher...oh my!
When to use a Dropdown
Dropdowns work great for overflow menus, where supplementary actions can be hidden in a menu. Dropdowns can be identified by their button-like trigger and chevron icon.
When to use a Select
Use Selects in Forms when needing to provide the user with options to select from. Selects can be identified by their input-like trigger and caret icon.
When to use a Context Switcher
Context switchers (coming soon) are ideal for navigation menus and for selecting between different contexts within a single page, ie. switching between versions, languages, etc.
Note: While we currently allow navigation from the dropdown component, we'd like to move this interaction to the context switcher when it becomes available, so there are intentional, consistent interactions taking place between the two. This will help guide the user in understanding what to expect when opening each kind of menu.