Card component - How to use

The EmptyState component is a block-yielding component that contains three child components: a header, body and footer. Each child component is also a block yield. While none of the child components are explicitly required, use of at least the header or body components are recommended.

Basic use

Invocation of the component would look something like this:

Meaningful Header Text
Body text content that provides a meaningful message to the end user.
<Hds::EmptyState as |E|>
  <E.Header>Meaningful Header Text</E.Header>
  <E.Body>Body text content that provides a meaningful message to the end user.</E.Body>
  <E.Footer>Footer Content - text, or a link or maybe even a (secondary) button.</E.Footer>

Renders to:

Meaningful Header Text
Body text content that provides a meaningful message to the end user

Header and Body

Invocation of the component would look something like this:

Header Text
Body Text
<Hds::EmptyState as |E|>
  <E.Header>Header Text</E.Header>
  <E.Body>Body Text</E.Body>

Renders to:

Header Text
Body Text