Stepper Indicator Component - Component API

Note: Since the indicator components are meant to be assembled into larger stepper item patterns, the component's interactive states should be tied to the larger pattern. This includes hover, active, and focus.


Here is the API for the Step::Indicator component:

status enum

Acceptable values:

  1. incomplete
  2. progress
  3. processing
  4. complete
isInteractive boolean

Default: true

By default the Indicator::Step is not interactive and has no hover state. Usage for this variant is generally recommended for onboarding-type sequences or list-item steps.

text string

Generally corresponds with the numerical value of the index of the item in an array of multiple steps.


Here is the API for the Task::Indicator component:

status enum

Acceptable values:

  1. incomplete
  2. progress
  3. processing
  4. complete
isInteractive boolean

Default: true